Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2022 Area S Tournament tournament for the age group.
9UG 8 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 Region 149 MY23
01 Turquoise Bluejays
022S-49CG9U-0002   John Sweet
 A2 Region 870 MY23
G09U-A1-Black Widows
022S-70CG9U-0023   Mariana Jones
 A3 Region 870 MY23
G09U-A2-Honey Bees
022S-70CG9U-0024   Joe Stith
 A4 Region 870 MY23
022S-70CG9U-0028   Aaron Hoffine
 B1 Region 149 MY23
04 Green Retrievers
022S-49CG9U-0003   Andrew Woogen
 B2 Region 870 MY23
022S-70CG9U-0025   Bethanie Gambardella
 B3 Region 870 MY23
022S-70CG9U-0026   Aaron Hiemstra
 B4 Region 870 MY23
022S-70CG9U-0027   Michael Wilkins